Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Triangles Everywhere

After seeing the Mandelbrot fractal implemented in SQL and drawn as ASCII art. I wanted to see if anyone had implemented any fractals with the Geometry datatype. The closest that I found was Drawing Fractals with SQL Server Spatial by Alastair Aitchison. Which is a nice example Sierpinski triangle fractal as a CLR function, but I wanted to see if I could I could do it in pure SQL.
Let me know if you have suggestions for making it go faster

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fun with serialization

One of my favorite things to do with SQL Sever is XML. There are just all kinds to idiosyncrasies; however, after spending a substantial amount of time formatting xmlthere where a few things I didn't want to have to find again.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Initial post

You are likely to find nothing profound here, just ill-advised tools that I have built while working on SQL Server and PostgreSQL.